Thursday, February 5, 2009

Happy Birthday Joel!

I searched everywhere for our old gymnastics pictures. Lucky for you I couldn't find them. I hope you have a great birthday. Thanks for always being such a great big brother.


Rebecca said...

You guys looks so cute! I love the dress. I'd want to have Sydney wear it even now!

Elizabeth said...

Too bad you couldn't find the gymnastic picture- that would have been funny, there is a good one of Rod in a spandex sailor outfit. It even had a hat and sequin/sparkle belt. So very manly... Since we went to the same gymnastic place, I am sure it had to be good.

- said...

that picture is too cute! I just read that you are having a girl and Im suppossed to be having a girl her too in a few weeks and I keep hearing of all these people who have thought it was one sex and it ending up being another and Im really starting to wonder. seriously- cause I thought it was a boy at the begining of the pregnancy and I dont know- Im just saying- remember this one way conversation if I end up with a boy- also cute Uniqua cake we love backyardigans in the turner house- I think you should use that name for you baby!