Brittyn Neeley turned four months September 30th. She now weighs 15lbs! She is a joy to our family! Our love for her is so transparent! Just last night Daryl and I went out. While we were waiting for our meal we kept playing with her. Several people asked "is she your first baby?" we say no and look at each other and have to
giggle. Some of her favorite things are nursing, toys, new faces, and watching her brother and sisters jump around trying to entertain her. One of her least favorite things right now is going to physical therapy. She has Portcullis. Apparently there wasn't enough room in my womb for this huge baby and so she strained her neck muscle trying to fit. Her head leans to one side a bit but is getting better with exercises that I do with her and the PT. She isn't much of a nap taker right now. The naps last about 30 minutes. Not really enough time to get anything done around the house. She does really well at night
sleeping up to 4 to 5 hours at a time, but only for about 8 hours max. Brittyn is almost able to roll from her back to her tummy on the left side!
Neeley! She is so stinkin' cute! And I love her bow, the bigger the better right? Brooke also had to go to PT for her little crooked neck. We have a lot of pictures of her shaped like a little letter C- but she is fine now (or else she would probably be walking in circles:). Hopefully we can see you guys in a couple of weeks!
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